Innerwick Primary

Rebecca and Emilie from Innerwick Primary have written us a special report telling us how they got involved with Send My Friend to School…

“We have taken part in Send My Friend campaign before because we feel strongly that every child should have an education.

Some of the main reasons that children can’t go to school is because they have to work, look after their family or it is too expensive plus it can be too far for them to walk. Also children need teachers and there is not enough or they don’t turn up.

For the campaign of Send my Friend a Teacher we made either a life sized or a miniature puppet. We had to include things like a big brain for intelligence or a big heart for kind hearted and other things to create the perfect teacher. Then Fiona O’Donnell an MP came in to collect the puppets.  She then showed and reminded the government that they made a promise that every child in the world would go to school and have a teacher by 2015. Now that they have been shown to the government they will hopefully keep their promise and get every child in school by 2015.

We hope that all children do go to school and get an education and get a job when they are of age.”