Young Ambassadors meet Deputy Prime Minister

Last week the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg gave a speech on international development, and Send My Friend to School Young Ambassadors, Maisie and Rebecca, got a chance to meet him.

They talked to him about their experiences in Uganda visiting Sightsavers’ inclusive education programmes, and the differences between the visually impaired children they met who were in education, and those who couldn’t go to school.

The Deputy Prime Minister spoke about the work DFID Minister Lynne Featherstone is doing to ensure that children with disabilities are supported by the UK aid budget to education. We were delighted that he recognised the importance of education for children with disabilities.

Thanks to your campaigning, UK leaders are hearing your message to Send ALL our friends to school. Please keep raising your voices and join in the Send My Friend campaign to ensure that world leaders support education for all.


Photo credit: Sightsavers