Read our new report, ‘The fierce urgency of now: delivering children’s right to education during crisis’.
It outlines the vital role the UK government can play in ensuring that millions of children affected by emergencies around the world do not miss out on the education that is their right.
For the vast majority of children caught up in humanitarian crises their education is at best interrupted and at worst never realised. In 2015 alone 80 million children had their education disrupted in this way.
2016 could see a catalytic transformation in the global approach and ambition to providing education to children during crisis with the creation of a new Education in Crisis Platform.
Designed to:
- Inspire political commitment
- Expand and coordinate planning and response
- Generate and disburse new funding
- Build national and global capacity
- Strengthen accountability and evidence
the Education Crisis Platform has the potential to secure the right of millions of children caught up in crisis to go to school.
In ‘The fierce urgency of now: delivering children’s right to education during crisis’ the Global Campaign for Education UK sets out what the UK government should do next to ensure that this transformation takes place – through political and financial leadership at the World Humanitarian Summit and beyond.