Young Ambassadors competition

15th September 2015

We’ve just begun the search to find two new Young Ambassadors to take over from Emily and George – pictured […]

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Lockyer’s Middle School and Henbury View First School

1st August 2014

Having learnt about Send ALL My Friends to School during class assembly, Charlotte Curtis, Bethany Beattie and Isobel Myers, Year […]

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Ingleby Mill Primary School

1st August 2014

All pupils watched the videos on the Send My Friend website and then completed their own buddy.

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Dunn Street Primary School

1st August 2014

Pupils made a chain of buddies as part of the Send ALL My Friends to School campaign.

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Allfarthing Primary School

1st August 2014

The school ran a week of assemblies and class-based PSHE and Rights Respecting lessons during which the pupils learned about the […]

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The St Philip Howard Catholic High School

1st August 2014

The school’s Junior Leadership Team – global group – led the campaign across the school and ran an assembly for […]

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St. Andrew’s School

1st August 2014

Pupils made a display about the Send ALL My Friends to School campaign, ran an assembly, invited their MP and […]

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Upton Heath C of E Primary School

1st August 2014

A special assembly about the campaign was first held by the pupils before each class created their buddies. They also completed a […]

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Hayesfield Girls’ School

31st July 2014

Pupils invited their MP, Don Foster, with the help of a local councillor and took part in a range of […]

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Southfield School

31st July 2014

200 pupils take to decorating buddies and writing in order to inform fellow pupils about the campaign as well as […]

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