UK Government needs to stand up for the world’s most marginalised people

25th November 2020

The cuts to overseas aid announced today will have a devastating effect on young people around the world.  School closures […]

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A reflection from Finn, a 2020 Send My Friend to School Campaign Champion

11th September 2020

My name is Finn, I’m 14 and I come from Yorkshire. I am interested in politics and enjoy keeping up […]

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Send My Friend statement on DFID/FCO merger

16th June 2020

DFID is a world leader on global education and international development – without DFID’s leadership, we would not have seen […]

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Learning through and from COVID-19 DFID’s response to education during the pandemic

28th May 2020

A briefing from the Send My Friend Coalition, with Malala Fund, Girls Not Brides and ONE
The scale of the impact […]

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In response to COVID-19 – Education must be protected for all

2nd April 2020

Since its outbreak in late December 2019, COVID-19 has imperilled countries across the world and like any critical sector education […]

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Send My Friend to School Update

31st March 2020

Over recent weeks, we have all watched with concern as COVID-19 has spread across the world. On March 11th, the […]

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Let’s ensure everyone has The Right Climate to Learn!

20th January 2020

The 2020 Send My Friend to School campaign The Right Climate to Learn is live today – you can download […]

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A year of unlocking education for all

4th December 2019

As we countdown to 2020 and the launch of our new campaign, we’re looking back at some of our highlights […]

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Thank you Stephen Twigg!

27th November 2019

As the UK gears up for a general election in December, Send My Friend to School would like to thank […]

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School students from Malawi join the campaign to Unlock Education for Everyone!

6th November 2019

Jessy and Isaac at Chilanga Community Day Secondary School
Watipaso Kailwo/Oxfam GB
Each year, Send My Friend to School partners with the Steve […]

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