MP meets infant school children

Blessed Sacrament Infants

31st May 2012

 All 391 children at Blessed Sacrament Infants, in Liverpool, made gold medal messages, asking world leaders to ‘Go for Gold’ […]

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Group of children holding up a long banner of gold medal artwork

Launceston College

30th May 2012

MP Dan Rogerson visited Launceston College to collect the pupils’ ‘Go for Gold!’ messages.

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Large group of primary pupils with artwork, with MP.

Tremoilet Primary

25th May 2012

MP Simon Hart met Junior pupils at Tremoilet Primary in West Wales.

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School students and adults with a display of gold medal artwork.

Banbridge High

25th May 2012

David Simpson, MP for Upper Bann, met pupils at Banbridge High School to hear about Send My Friend to School.

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Teachers and children outside the door of No 10 Downing Street

St Vincent’s RC Primary

9th May 2012

St Vincent pupils took their messages all the way to No 10 Downing Street.

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St Richard’s Catholic college

9th May 2012

MP Greg Barker received hundreds of ‘Go for Gold’ medals on his visit to the school.

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Large group of teenagers in a classroom, with teacher, holding up gold medal artwork.

Lochaber High

8th May 2012

Lochaber High School’s 1st year Modern Studies pupils created eye-catching gold medal messages for local MP Charles Kennedy.

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Children with MP, holding gold medal artwork.

Austhorpe Primary

1st May 2012

Pupils from Austhorpe Primary, in Leeds, visited their MP at his surgery to deliver their Go for Gold messages. 

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Two pupils with MP and teacher in school classroom, displaying sport jersey artwork.

Kirkwall Grammar

1st May 2012

Kirkwall Grammar students invited their MSP Liam McArthur to the school to discuss the need for education for all.

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Group of young people in school uniform with MP.

Chester Catholic High School

1st May 2012

Senior pupils invited their MP, Stephen Mosley, to school to hand over their Go for Gold messages.

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