‘Big Ideas’ competition winners meet David Blunkett

20th January 2015

Three young winners of a Send My Friend competition were given a private tour of the Houses of Parliament and […]

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Send My Friend Ambassador Emily with Ed Miliband

Action2015 launches

15th January 2015

Our Young Ambassadors, George and Emily, have spent today speaking with politicians including Labour leader Ed Miliband about education for […]

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Making 3D world leaders

Preview our 2015 campaign

15th January 2015

Our 2015 campaign is almost ready to go, with a film that tells everyone how they can get involved in […]

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George and Emily, Young Ambassadors 2015

Young Ambassadors 2015

13th January 2015

Congratulations to Emily Pemberton and George Watts, our new Young Ambassadors for the Send My Friend to School campaign in […]

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Thanks for speaking up for education in 2014

10th December 2014

Today, on Human Rights Day, global education ambassadors Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Sathyarti, founder of the  Global Campaign for Education, […]

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Young Ambassadors Meet Nobel Prize Winner!

21st November 2014

The GCE UK Young Ambassadors met with the 2014 Nobel Prize Winner at the launch of a new education campaign.

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Winner of BIG Idea Competition Announced!

7th November 2014

A winner has been announced for the Big Idea competition, which called for ideas for the 2015 Send My Friend […]

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Malala wins Nobel Peace Prize!

10th October 2014

Malala Yousafzai, the teenage education campaigner shot in 2012 by a Taliban gunman, has won the 2014 Nobel peace prize.

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2014 campaign report

9th September 2014

We’ve put together a short film to report on Send My Friend to School in 2014 and to say a massive […]

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WANTED: Young Ambassadors to travel to Bangladesh in 2015!

9th September 2014

The search is on for two committed, articulate 14-15 year olds in Year 10 who are passionate about the right for every child worldwide to have a quality education.

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